Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 3 Update from hospital (July 27th)

Dear lovely friends and family,

Well, as of this afternoon we had the same boring wonderful news to report. Saturday we turned 24 weeks and today marks 3 weeks of bed rest.

This afternoon, however, I started feeling painful contractions that become more and more frequent. After a very exciting projectile vomiting episode the doctor came and decided that these contractions must be stopped (duh!). And we all decided that magnesium was the right course of action. Magnesium goes through an IV drip so I now have a very impressive looking machine by my bed-side. (By the way don't worry, I'm lying quietly dictating to Bruno). They started with a blitz of the medicine to get it to the right level in my bloodstream. This was rumored to induce flu-like symptoms but truly it isn't too bad (certainly not as bad a vomit inducing pains of the contractions.) It is sort of a combination of a hot-flash and a heavy falling asleep interrupted by the gentle beeps of the machine letting me know that my oxygen level is getting too low. We finished the blitz stage and the contractions have started getting a little less intense. The hope is that through the night they'll grow further apart and that Ursula will settle down. The good news is that so far Cedric is holding strong and I haven't dilated any further.

IT IS VERY POSSIBLE that this is just a minor setback and that we will quickly become blissfully boring again. If everybody could imagine, wish, hope, pray, believe that for us, that would be fabulous.

Thanks again for all your energy, we're looking forward to sending out a happier update soon.

With all the love in the world,

Lisa, Bruno, Pedro, Archer plus Cedric and Ursula

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