Thursday, April 9, 2009

Funny/Sick Seder Moments

1) Mom decided to hide the Plague Finger Puppet representing The Slaying of the First Born

2)Somebody actually decided it was a good idea to create and market Plague Finger Puppets

3) My mother decided it was a good idea to purchase them

3) Max attacked me with a hand full of plague-shaped felt, calling out, "You have Boils! You have Boils"

4) Sophia asked if I could bend down so she could give me Lice (another of the plagues, not actually lice)

3)Dad, as the leader of our seder, has the task to assign different people to read different sections. Halfway through, he says, "Lisa, can you tell us about the Maror" Maror is Hebrew for bitter herb. I responded, "Can I ever!"

Happy Holidays, everyone. :) -Lisa

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