Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am becoming a person I don't want to be: snappish and bitter and not happy for other peoples' happiness. I am sick of people who are on their 18th child but still talk about their "trying to conceive" trouble, I am sick of women who get sneezed on by their husbands and get pregnant, I am sick of stories of people who had an "opps". I am sick of disappointment, sick of being scared I will never have a child. I am sick of being almost 39, sick of having lost my sons, sick of having had miscarriages, sick of failing when all the odds that we can stack are stacked in our favor. I am sick of people implying that if I just ignored the Drs and went on vacation and drank wine we would of course get pregnant. I am sick of fearing my house, sick of fearing the moist Bay Area, sick of fearing MOLD, I am sick of pitching myself as a tutor, sick of only being able to approach acting in a half in half out way. I am sick of wanting and not having, I am sick of limbo, I am sick of sadness. I am sick of getting older, I am sick of having to care about my age. I wouldn't care about my age at all if I didn't have to think about eggs and ovaries. I am sick of being childless, I am sick of being a bitch inside my own head and bitter inside my own heart. I am capable of being a very happy person. I am sick of being a very unhappy person.


Mama Jen said...

I hear you. It really, truly sucks. The universe has been incredibly unfair to you for more than a year now, and someone needs to give it a kick in the ass to deliver a giant dose of much-deserved joy into your life.

I continue to root for you and your family, and I remain stubbornly optimistic that another child is on his or her way to you. I have lived in that limbo, and I know how hard it is to trust that you will become a parent again. But that's what it takes: hope and trust even in the face of incredible setbacks. So, when you feel unable to stay hopeful, please keep writing and know that your readers, even those you have never met, are holding onto that hope for you.

Hang in there, Lisa.

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa,

Please hanging in there. My mom always say if you endure the darkest era at the moment, it also means hopes are just inches ahead. Never give up hope. No matter what happened, live your life to the fullest- including both tears and laughter. I am there with you and Bruno.

