Monday, January 11, 2010


It has been 11 days since my last blog post, and I have been through approximately 34 mood swings, 63 bouts of paranoia, 176 glasses of water, 231 trips to the bathroom, 14 episodes of The Tudors, 1.4 books (shameful!), 44 attempts to meditate (6 of them moderately successful), 66 meals (OK: 74), 8 hours of tutoring, 16 searches on Google to look up imagined symptoms, 3 occasions of being unnecessarily short with my mother, 9 naps, 500 Facebook log ons, 6 conversations with the insurance company, 3 moments of "having words" with Bruno and 4 good cries.

Wednesday we get our numbers back from our second trimester blood work. These numbers theoretically tell us the percent chance that our children have certain genetic disorders. We will also get numbers describing how long my cervix currently is, numbers telling us how all the limbs and parts of our children are measuring against what they are supposed to be right now, and the number of ounces they each weigh. We'll be told the number of weeks and days they are each measuring and the number of weeks and days my uterus is measuring. We'll hear the numbers of my weight and my blood pressure and my temperature. We'll be told the number of times a day I can stand up and the number of times a week I can leave the house and how many minutes I can shower for.

Meanwhile, I am keeping close watch on some numbers of my own: today I am 16 weeks along in this pregnancy, which means we have 140 days until I hit 36 weeks (full term for twins), 112 days until we hit 32 weeks (great chance for twin viability), 84 days until we hit 28 weeks (the first time we will feel a little safe), 60 days until we hit 24 weeks and 4 days (the time at which we lost Pedro and Archer), and only 36 days until we hit 21 weeks and 1 day (the time we discovered my cervix was open).

And only 3 more hours until I can respectably go to sleep and count myself another day closer to bringing our children to safety


walkingbearfoot said...

I think of you daily. Wish I could give you a hug or a deep breath.

Love you,


LJMK said...

I think you just gave me both, darling Margaret! :)

Unknown said...

We are counting weeks with you!!!
Did you really just eat 74 times???.... You are better than me!!!
; )