Sunday, April 25, 2010


Ever get a tune stuck in your head and you can't figure out why?

This morning, while I was lying on my back calculating the area of an isosceles trapezoid in preparation for a student this afternoon (yeah, yeah: I know), I found myself humming a song. After a few bars of it, I identified it as "They Were You" from The Fantasticks. I haven't thought about this musical since 7th grade, when we sang excerpts of it for chorus. I couldn't figure out why it would have popped into my head, until I googled the lyrics. Take a look at the last verse:

"Every secret prayer,
Every fancy free,
Everything I dared for both you and me.
All my wildest dreams
Multiplied by two
They were you.
They were you.
They were you."

Happy almost 31 weeks, everyone.

1 comment:

Raven said...

Happy 31 weeks! Here is an earworm for you....


Best when thought about Muppets singing it.