Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Moment

Saturday morning and everyone is still hanging in. Feeling pretty happy. Spent the better part of yesterday freaking out because I discovered my beloved Dr. R is going on vacation starting June 4th (!!), but that was yesterday and this is today. Today I get to enjoy these last few days pregnant and take in what a miracle it is that we have made it to this point. Thinking about my sons a lot too, and looking for how to include them in all this happiness. Don't want to leave them out. I know Bruno and I will find a way.

Had another song rattling in my head. This one is from Hello Dolly. Think it might be the last post in the "book" when someday I publish

"And that is all that love's about
And we'll recall as time runs out
That it only
Takes a moment
To be loved a whole life long"

1 comment:

Alyson Strong Pitt said...

Can't get you guys out of my mind!! Praying for you both and those sweet girls. I know Pedro and Archer are sending great vibes to their sisters and to their parents.

Love you,