Thursday, December 31, 2009

Economies of Scale

This morning Bruno and I each stepped on the scale. I'm up 14 lbs now in as many weeks. Bruno thought about this for a moment, grinned, and then came out with the following pronouncement:

"You're going to weigh more than I do by end of this".

Grrumph grrr son of a....

Next time, he gets to carry the pregnancy :)


Anonymous said...

But you're now THREE people and he's only one. So divide your weight by three and each of you still weighs less than he. Happy New Year! Love Biz...

laura-lu said...

You should remind Bruno that the proper thing to do is to gain weight with you, as Kenny did for me. I think with Zaz he weighed more than me at the end, although I'm not sure if this is true for Max. I am so happy happy happy that you are pregnant and having twins and I cannot wait to meet them. I love you.