Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just The Facts, Ma'am, Week 21

According to Dr. R, all is well.

Cervix measuring 4.2, small amount of funneling, firm and high.

Normal Bacterial Cultures

Babies wiggling around looking happy.

Weirdo Vaginal Discharge deemed normal variation of flora and fauna of the region, especially following a course of antibiotics

Today is 21 weeks and 1 day. At this point with Pedro and Archer, my cervix had no length, was dilated 1 cm with the bag of waters and Pedro's foot already in the cervix.

We are officially on a different path.

I wonder how long it will take for my heart to believe it. I think right now, I am still feeling acutely the loss of our last path. I'm trying to be gentle with my heart and give it time to catch up to where we are now. But you, dear reader, can feel free to celebrate.


Unknown said...

I really am celebrating!!!... let's enjoy it day by day!!! Thank you GOD for each new day in this new path! : )

Alyson Strong Pitt said...

Best news I have heard this year!!! Let's celebrate this NEW PATH!!!

DL said...

Yay !!! I am so happy for you all !!!

Mama Jen said...
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Mama Jen said...

Totally celebrating for you! I'll toast to you and your girls with a couple of Tums. Pregnancy is so much fun, isn't it? If the anxiety doesn't get to you, there's always the heartburn...