Friday, March 12, 2010


And here we are.

24 weeks and 4 days. The gestational day I gave birth to Pedro and Archer at 4:43 and 4:46am, July 30th, 2008.

So, we've already passed the threshold and are into uncharted territory. I am further along than I have ever been before.

I was awake at 4am this morning, and watched the minutes tick by approaching our landmark. As the clock arrived at 4:43, I closed my eyes and thanked the boys for being part of our lives and for looking out for their little sisters. My intention was to pray/meditate until 4:46. I woke up at 4:52. Ah well.

And so here we are. In the new. To be honest, I'm scared. This is going to take a while to sink in. I still fear that every contraction will break my water, that every twinge must be my cerclage tearing through my incredibly stubborn cervix. I wish Cedric would just get the message, hold firm, and relax into the support we've given him.

I guess the same could be said about me.

I'll get there. I am getting there already. But you, dear reader, are once again invited to get the party started and celebrate this bold new day.


Jen Price said...

I'm thinking about you and the boys. And the girls of course.

Unknown said...

Rejoice my dear Lisa!!! I'm so happy for this new and important journey!!! I see you praying and thanking and I'm so proud of you mi querida amiga... My thoughts are with you SIEMPRE!!!! : )