Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Cervix is a Work of Art

That's what Dr. K exclaimed at today's 28 week appointment. What a beautiful thing to hear!

It seems that despite all my fears and superstitions and crying and worrying, and even despite my sneezing with such violence that I produced blood, things are continuing well.

My cervix was measuring 3.2 today with 8mm above the stitch, even with applied pressure (and let me explain how fun applied pressure is...) That is the longest and strongest it has been since I took to my bed. Yahoo!! And the babies are growing right on track, with Baby A logging in at 2lbs 7oz and Baby B weighing a whooping 2lbs 13oz. Fluid levels look right, and although the gals were camera shy today, their heart rates and the rest of their measurements are squarely in the normal range.

Hooray for normal!


Jen Price said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Mama Jen said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations on your beautiful cervix. :)

Unknown said...


Alyson Strong Pitt said...

On holiday at the moment, but had to check in on you on a library computer!! Read the most wonderful post and I am just so thrilled!! I am OVER THE MOON!!!! Can you let me know again when the girls are due? I am in the US this summer and would love a trip to SF to visit you, Bruno and your sweet daughters:)
Counting down the weeks:)
alyson xx