Tuesday, April 6, 2010

shh...we've passed 28 weeks....

So, yes, I did go ahead and make myself "come out" on Facebook to celebrate this milestone. Changed my profile pic to a big, round, beautiful belly shot and everything.

But otherwise, we tried to slide surreptitiously past this important date without awaking the wrath or jealousy of the Voodoo gods.

I keep waiting for the moment when we stop fearing or feeling superstitious. It hasn't come yet. Maybe it will after tomorrow's appointment in SF with Dr. K. Bruno is liable to be a wreck getting us there, but perhaps we'll get some kind of news or statistic which will put our minds at ease, at least for a while.

Meanwhile, we continue to vacillate between tension-induced spits and spats, and quiet moments of joy over the strength of a kick felt or the lop-sided evidence of our girls cuddling up together on one side of my belly.

Oh! And I'm knitting hats. Little fuzzy, fugly hats in preemie sizes, which I'm praying our girls will be too big to use and I'll donate to the hospital.

Well, I suppose this isn't that different from the way I've experienced many of the positive moments along this journey: I've invited you, my dear reader to start the party, while I myself make a fashionably late arrival.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sending you love!